Vulcanization process patented (Charles Goodyear), 1844
Magna Carta signed, 1215
Ellis Island immigration station destroyed by fire, 1897
Meredith Wilson died, 1985
Finland paid off US war debt (only nation to do so), 1934
Soyuz 29 (USSR) launched, 1978
Soviet cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky was launched into space, 1963
Killing frost (New Jersey), 1746
Revised Organic Act (Virgin Islands organization) enacted, 1954
First fatal aviation accident, 1785
Oregon Treaty (northern US boundary set at 49th parallel), 1846
Arkansas became the 25th US state, 1836
General Slocum, an excursion steamboat, caught fire (1021 killed), 1904
UNIVAC I delivered to Census Bureau, 1951
George Washington appointed first US General (actually only soldier), 1775
First mixed marriage in South Africa, 1985
12th Amendment to US Constitution (new electoral college rules) ratified, 1804
James Knox Polk, 11th US president died, 1849
Johnny Van der Meer threw second of two consecutive no hit games (vs. Brooklyn), 1938
Benjamin Franklin’s “kite experiment”, 1752