Hoover “suction sweeper” first advertised, 1908
AFL-CIO formed, 1955
Flight 19 diappeared over the Bermuda Triangle, 1945
Folding theater chair patented, 1854
Velocipede bicycle riding school opened (New York), 1868
Claude Monet, French painter, died, 1926
Roman Catholics first allowed to eat meat on Friday, 1966
Haiti discovered (Christopher Columbus), 1492
Vachel Lindsay, poet, committed suicide by drinking Lysol, 1931
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer, died, 1791
Alexandre Dumas, French novelist (“The Three Musketeers”), died, 1870
Bus boycott began (Montgomery, Alabama), 1955
Dow Jones industrial average broke the 1500 mark for the first time, 1985
Pipe wrench patented (Daniel C. Stillson), 1876
Sir Henry Bessemer’s method for steel production granted US patent, 1865
Discovery of gold in California confirmed, 1848
21st Amendment to the US Constitution (repeal of Prohibition) ratified, 1933
Ulysses S. Grant apologized to US Congress, 1876