The Daily News | September 3

Richard I became the English Sovereign, 1189
World War II began, 1939
Labor Day first observed as a legal holiday, 1894
New York Sun debuted, 1833
Lorenzo Delmonico, famed restaurateur, died, 1881
Ty Cobb got his final hit, 1928
Treaty of Paris signed (ending the US Revolutionary War), 1783
King William’s War ended, 1697
Hurricane David hit the eastern US seaboard (1,000 killed), 1979
Allied forces invaded Italy, 1943
Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Tat Thanh), Vietnamese revolutionary, died, 1969
Frank Capra, director, died, 1991
First municipal subway opened to North Station, Boston, Massachusetts, 1898
Viking 2 (US) softlanded on Mars, 1976
Johnny Marks, songwriter (“Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”), died, 1985
“Search for Tomorrow” debuted, 1951
“Slacker Raids” began (soldiers and sailors stop draft age men at bayonet point and demand to see their draft papers - 13,000 in 3 days found in New Jersey), 1918
e.e. cummings, American poet, died, 1962