The Daily News | February 1

General Sherman began his march through South Carolina, 1865
LSD became federally regulated, 1966
Forces led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini took over Iran, 1979
Patricia Hearst released from prison, 1979
Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar in Russia, 1918
US postmarks stopped telling the time, 1964
Alexander Selkirk (basis for “Robinson Crusoe”), rescued, 1709
Viet Cong began an offensive against Hue, 1968
First automobile insurance policy issued (Travellers, Hartford), 1898
Hollywood, California registered as a town, 1887
George Cruikshank, English illustrator (Dickens’ books), died, 1878
US Supreme Court first convened (New York), 1790
First president to be baptized after taking office (Eisenhower), 1953
William F. Hoppe, US billiards player, died, 1959
First completely protected armored commercial car put into service, 1920
RCA Victor unveiled the 45 rpm record system, 1949
Bart J. Bok became director of Australia’s Commonwealth Observatory, 1957
“Late Night with David Letterman” debuted, 1982
Greensboro sit-in (four black students at Woolworth’s refused service), 1960
Mary Shelley, novelist (“Frankenstein”), died, 1851